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Privacy Policy

TecnoFor plugins are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain the accuracy of all data and to ensure the appropriate restrictions on use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

This site contains information about our company, products and services.

Registration is required for submitting information to and participating in TecnoFor’s knowledge base, forum, and blog.

In some circumstances, TecnoFor may request personal information from you, such your name, e-mail address and company name or telephone number.

Examples include on access to product demos and featured documents, registration for select services or joining a user group. Your response to these inquiries is strictly voluntary, although it may be necessary to complete the activity with which the information is associated. TecnoFor may use this information to customize your experience on our Web site. In addition, TecnoFor may use this information for other business purposes, such as to alerting you to products and services that can assist you in your business or assisting in order processing. Once you choose to provide us personally identifiable information (any information by which you can be identified), you can be assured that it will only be used to support your relationship with TecnoFor.

If you do provide personal information, we will not disclose (share, sell or divulge) it to external organizations unless we have informed you or are required to do so by law.

We will maintain this information, as well as your business activities and transactions, according to TecnoFor’s normal confidentiality standards.

TecnoFor also collects domain information (including e-mail addresses, IP addresses, names, geographic information, etc.) as part of its analysis of the use of this site.

This data enables us to become more familiar with customer usage of our site. TecnoFor uses this information to improve its web-based offerings.

This information is collected automatically and requires no action on your part.

TecnoFor or third parties may place cookies onto your computer when you visit our sites or plugins. These cookies are placed to keep track of some of the web searches, clicks, and site/section visits you make while on our sites, and to use that information anonymously to customize advertisements and content displayed to you on TecnoFor sites, plugins or other Web sites you visit, and/or to keep track of your response to each ad. None of these third parties are able to use this information to identify you personally.

Email originating at TecnoFor contains clear and efficient instructions for opting out of future emails of its kind.

TecnoFor Web site or plugins may contain links to Web pages not created and/or owned by TecnoFor. We make no guarantees or promises about the information on those web sites and cannot accept responsibility for the actions or inaction of their operators.

By purchasing any TecnoFor product or service, as custumer you agree that your basic contact information (such as name, company logo, website address, other publicly available data) can be presented on TecnoFor’s website ( ) or in other reference material.

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