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Security Policy (Cloud Apps)

TecnoFor’s Jira Cloud plugins are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your information. TecnoFor aligns with Atlassian’s Shared Security Responsibility Model to ensure we take necessary steps to protect and secure customer data. The reality is that the decisions customers make about how they set up our products also have a significant influence on the way security is implemented and there is a dependency on Atlassian’s security model as well. This security whitepaper, Security@Atlassian, provides an in-depth view of Atlassian’s approach to Security and their relationship with their Marketplace Partners.

Atlassian Cloud Security Shared Responsibilities can be downloaded from

In addition, TecnoFor aligns to Atlassian’s Marketplace App Trust requirements.

As of March 2023 all of TecnoFor’s Jira Cloud plugins on the Atlassian Marketplace have been migrated from Atlassian Connect to Atlassian Forge Technology. Which means that our applications no longer run on our servers, but on Atlassian’s and under their security criteria.

More info of the Forge security aspects can be download from

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